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Programmatic Advertising Online Course


30-Days Guarantee or your money back

Learn Programmatic Advertising with Ted Jordan ?

Ted Jordan is a certified Media and Business Analyst who worked with over 100 brands. He now focuses on helping businesses and individuals grow in the field.

Compared to other online courses in which you can expect a lot of downtime in the lessons, we designed this online course to be as dynamic and straight to the point as possible.

Programmatic advertising managed Yearly
$ 0
And over 30 Agencies
+ 0 Brands
Campaigns managed in EMEA, NAR, APAC
+ 0

In 2022 alone, Programmatic Advertising represented more than social media marketing and search engine arbitrage (SEA) combined. The reason? More formats, more possibilities, and more budgets.

If you were a big brand, what would you be more interested in finding: someone who can run social media or search campaigns (everyone nowadays), or someone who can take you radio, TV, out of home, display and video campaigns to a new level on one campaign?

It’s for these reasons that Programmatic Advertising is so popular. The cherry on the cake? Because of how new this is, no university is able to teach it in a proficient way. So a professional certificate is your best insurance to get into the field.
Don’t let you chance slip away, become an Expert in Programmatic Marketing.

Advertising Spend Worldwide Social media, search, and programmatic

Brands we traded for

Course Content

This Programmatic Advertising Online Course was designed in 7 phases to take your skills to new heights in a step-by-step fashion. In only 7 days, you can easily walk out of here with a Professional Certificate and start applying to companies, or even better, create your own.

The 7 phases of the course are designed to take you from the beginning of what Programmatic Advertising is until explaining you how to start in the field, whether you want to create a Programmatic Advertising Agency or work in one.

Even better, you will get our contact to help you set up your first plans, campaigns and even deliver them if you need to.

In the first phase of the course, you’ll learn what programmatic advertising is and how it works. You will understand its rising popularity and discover why it’s so profitable for agencies. We’ll also introduce you to some of the basic concepts of programmatic advertising, laying a solid foundation for your learning journey.

In the second phase, we delve deeper into programmatic advertising, detailing the complex systems and platforms that underpin it. We’ll introduce you to some of the most important concepts in this form of advertising, giving you a comprehensive understanding of its intricacies and how it operates.

With the first two phases completed, we’ll begin to dive deep into the subject, starting with targeting and cookies. This topic is essential not only in programmatic advertising but also in all forms of advertising nowadays, offering critical insights into how ads reach the right audiences effectively.

With all the concepts and strategies already covered, we will now focus on the key performance indicators (KPIs) of programmatic advertising. Understanding these KPIs is crucial to grasp the objectives, formats, and diverse uses of this type of advertising, enabling you to measure success effectively.

You are now equipped to tackle the most crucial phase of this online course. In this phase, you will get to see, experience, and understand all the different formats you can deliver on programmatic platforms. This hands-on approach will deepen your comprehension of programmatic capabilities and expand your skills in executing diverse advertising strategies.

Programmatic ads will have no secrets for you anymore!

You’re nearly there; you now know most of the essentials of programmatic advertising. In this 6th phase, we will present a real-world example of a brief we executed on behalf of an agency. Finally, we’ll take a step back to discuss the many ways YOU can start in this field, guiding you toward your first steps in programmatic advertising with confidence and clarity.

At last, you’ve followed and, hopefully, understood all the different lessons covered in this course. The final step is to test your competencies to see if you’ve earned the certificate. ;) This is your chance to showcase your knowledge and prove that you’re ready to make a mark in the world of programmatic advertising.


Why us?

Before launching this course to the public, we gave this course to tons of agencies who then, with or without our expertise, scaled their programmatic advertising book of business. We are therefore confident this course will give you the necessary skills in the market to kickstart a career in the field.


5 hours


5 hours

We truly value your time! We have thus compressed 20 hours of learning into just 5 hours of videos and documents.

30-days money back.
30-days money back.

100% money back

100% money back

We believe in our course, so if you are not 100% satisfied with it, we will give you your money back.


Get certified

Get certified

In this disruptive industry, a professional certification in programmatic advertising may be your golden ticket to land your next big job milestone.

Lifetime access.

Lifetime access

Lifetime access.

Lifetime access

Once you purchase the course, you will gain immediate and lifetime access to it.

Student Dashboard

A direct contact to us

Student Dashboard

A direct contact to us

Manage your learning journey: track courses, access certificates, and more —all in one intuitive student dashboard.



Access on all devices


Access on all devices

This programmatic advertising course is accessible on all devices from anywhere you want on your student dashboard.

Here's What Our Students Say

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out what some of our students have to say. We’ve welcomed learners from various industries and age groups to this course. Their experiences speak volumes about its value and versatility. See for yourself and join a diverse community of learners!

John Georg
John Georg
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Completed the programmatic advertising course and it's a game-changer! Covers everything from DSPs to ad formats. Can't wait for future courses to dive deeper. This is just the beginning, and I'm excited for what's next.
Lilly Sabina
Lilly Sabina
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Just wrapped up the programmatic advertising course and I'm genuinely impressed. It thoroughly covers topics like DSPs and ad formats. The slight downside? The quizzes were too easy for me, but they might be perfect for beginners. Already excited for what's next. Worth exploring if you're starting out!
Vikram Prasad
Vikram Prasad
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Just finished this course on programmatic advertising. It covers essentials like DSPs, ad formats, and getting started. Clear, comprehensive, and very useful for newbies. Highly recommend!

Frequently asked questions

After registration, you decide when you want to start the Programmatic Advertising course. It’s a self-paced training, you can start 2 months after signing up for the course or straightaway. You decide.

Yes! We designed the course specifically for beginners to intermediate levels. Each topic is detailed and plenty of examples are shared with you so you can’t get lost. Our Programmatic Advertising course is also a great way to refresh your knowledge.

We provide dedicated support to our students. If you encounter some difficulties, you can check our Help Center or contact us via email (info@tedjordan.org). A programmatic specialist will reply to you within 2 working days.

If you’re not happy with the course and did not go further than Phase 3, you can ask to be reimbursed within 30 days after registration.

You can contact us via email to info@tedjordan.org. We typically respond within 1 or 2 working days.


Not at all. The beauty of this programmatic advertising online course is that you have lifetime access and can take the classes anytime and anywhere.

Master Programmatic Advertising.
Enroll for Success Today!

Master Programmatic Advertising. Enroll for Success Today!

30-Days Guarantee or your money back